Iraq vet range day was an incredible event.

Iraq vet range day was an incredible event. 🇮

People of all races come together and celebrate the 2nd amendment. It breaks the misconception that people that love guns are violent, but actually you will find that they are one of the most caring groups of people, and so welcoming.

You will see people of all different backgrounds at the range, from all walks of life. What unites them is their love of guns and their Constitution-given right to bear arms.

There is a sense of community and camaraderie among gun enthusiasts, that you don't find in many other places. 💥

People at the range are some of the most welcoming and hospitable you will ever meet. They are always happy to help out a newbie and teach them the ropes.

There is nothing they love more than talking about guns, and they are more than happy to share their knowledge with anyone who is interested.

Comment if you think more people should learn about and celebrate their 2nd amendment rights! 🇺


Iraq Veteran 8888 Range Day